
Average score 814 Reviews
Michel Misson noted on Google

Les évaluations du Service et de l'Ambiance ne sont pas très représentatives car il s'agit de repas "à emporter" pour 5 personnes. Ceci étant les produits sont excellents et bien traités. Il manque peut-être un paquet de chips-crevettes quelquefois gracieusement offert. (Translated by Google) The Service and Atmosphere ratings are not very representative because these are “takeaway” meals for 5 people. That being said, the products are excellent and well processed. Maybe a packet of shrimp chips sometimes offered free of charge is missing.

22 days ago
Aurélie noted on Google

Les sushis et plats sont délicieux et frais. Nous y sommes fidèles depuis plusieurs annees.La décoration est agréable depuis les travaux. Le seul point négatif est le personnel, peu souriant et peu accueillant. (Translated by Google) The sushi and dishes are delicious and fresh. We have been loyal to it for several years. The decoration has been pleasant since the work. The only negative point is the staff, unsmiling and unwelcoming.

23 days ago
Jean-François Machelidon noted on Google

26 days ago
Elise noted on Google

Excellent moment entre amis !! Merci à toutes les serveuses qui ont été très agréables! (Translated by Google) Excellent time with friends!! Thank you to all the waitresses who were very pleasant!

1 month ago
Wendy Maelyne noted on Google

1 month ago
Caroline cnd noted on Google

Personnels très sympathiques. Bon rapport qualité prix. (Translated by Google) Very friendly staff. Good value for money.

1 month ago
S. Rbt noted on Google

Venus 3 fois nous n'avons jamais été malades. C'est bon et les serveuses sont avenantes. (Translated by Google) Come 3 times we have never been sick. It's good and the waitresses are friendly.

1 month ago
Philippe BONTHOUX noted on Google

Sans objet, à emporter (Translated by Google) Not applicable, take away

1 month ago

1 month ago
Louise QUINTIN noted on Google

1 month ago

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